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Welcome to TrackNinja

Thank you for downloading TrackNinja! Below you’ll find our release notes, a brief app walkthrough, and a link to our Trello page where we have a roadmap for feature releases as well as bug fixes.

Create Account

  1. Create new account using your email address
  2. Input your name, nickname (instagram handle, nickname, etc.), and hometown
  3. Upload a photo for your profile that other users will see alongside your name
  4. Click “Save” to proceed to the Home screen

Add Vehicle

  1. Add a vehicle using the purple “Add your Vehicle” button on the Home screen
  2. Select the types of racing your vehicle competes in
  3. Select your vehicle’s year from the drop-down
  4. Select your vehicle’s make from the drop down
  5. Select your vehicle’s model from the drop down
  6. If your vehicle is not available in our database, use the purple button in the center “Don’t see your car? Add it”
  7. Input your vehicle’s Power (Horsepower) figure
  8. Input your vehicle’s Power (Torque) figure
  9. Input your vehicle’s Weight 
  10. Input your vehicle’s engine information 
  11. Input your vehicle’s transmission information 
  12. Give your car a nickname
  13. Upload a photo of your vehicle

Add Tires

  1. Select your tire manufacturer from the dropdown
  2. Select your tire model from the dropdown
  3. If your tyre is not available in our database, use the purple button in the center “Don’t see your tyre? Add it”
  4. Input your front tire width
  5. Input your front wheel size
  6. Input your front tire sidewall size
  7. Input your front tire treadwear rating
  8. Input your rear tire width
  9. Input your rear wheel size
  10. Input your rear tire sidewall size
  11. Input your rear tire treadwear rating
  12. Add a competition or group by clicking the + icon next to “Add Group”
  13. Input the racing, competition group, or organization your vehicle belongs to
  14. Input the category your vehicle belongs to within the group

Vehicle Basic Setup

  1. Input your camber settings and choose the measurement unit
  2. Input your toe settings and choose the measurement unit
  3. Input your caster settings and choose the measurement unit
  4. Input your ride height settings and choose the measurement unit

Add modifications

There are modification fields for each vehicle category including Suspension, Engine, Brakes, Drivetrain, Aerodynamics, and Safety. 

Using the GPS Timer

We have a database of real-world circuits built into the app, but you can create your own track as well. 

Selecting or Creating a Track

  1. Click the “Timer” button in the bottom menu
  2. Choose “Circuit” or “Point to Point”
  3. Click on the “change” button to select a track at the top
  4. Tap on the purple button in the middle “Add New Track” to create your own
  5. Select either Circuit or Point to Point, whichever type of track
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions and press “Start”
  7. Record your track and press “Finish”
  8. If your track is incomplete or incorrect on the map, try to retry the track recording slower
  9. Input your Track Name
  10. Input your Track Layout Type
  11. Press “Save”

Recording Your Data

  1. Click on the top button to select a track
  2. Select the track you just created
  3. Click on the second button to select a vehicle
  4. Select the vehicle you just added
  5. OPTIONAL: Fill in your vehicle’s Cold Pit Data by clicking on the Cold Pit Data button and follow the input screens to the end
  6. Press “Start”
  7. The bar on top of the timer screen will turn white to indicate it is active and it will begin recording data. The next time you pass the starting line of your track it will begin displaying data in real-time.
  8. At the end of your session press “Stop”
  9. Record your Hot Pit Data

Data Review

  1. Click “Events” in the bottom menu
  2. Select the event your new data just recorded
  3. Select the session your new data just recorded
  4. Choose any lap
  5. Review the data including:
    1. Your vehicle trace on the map
    2. Speed trace (speed v. distance graph)
    3. G-force trace (G v. distance graph)

Profile and Settings

  1. Access your user Profile any time by clicking on the person-shaped menu icon in the lower right corner of every screen
  2. Access the Settings any time by clicking on the hamburger menu icon in the upper right corner of every screen
  3. You can adjust your units of measure across the app here
  4. Your privacy settings are available in this screen to share or hide your Events, Vehicle, or Build Sheet data
  5. The information visible when the GPS Timer is active can be controlled in the Settings screen

Release Notes

Version 1.0.0

First release into the Apple App Store and Google Play Store

Follow along with updates, planned feature releases, bug reports and fixes on our public Trello board.